Thursday 4 December 2008

Youth Template 2


I am undecided on this currently. If you look at some of the most successful players in the game worlds they all seem to have a high determination statistic. I have yet to see any player I have ever had in my team get a green arrow on the determination stat and although a low score would not deter me from buying a youth with the previous template it is something I have been keeping my eye on. It is not something that will increase over time with coaching so a really low number will stay low. A player in my game world called Ivan Rakitic has a determination of 9. He is 20 years old and his stats are already of a very high standard and according to the FM09 database his potential ability means he can only get better. His performances however for a player of his ability have been very sub par. He has the Dwells on The Ball PPM which can be troublesome but is it his determination that lets him down?

The youth players you buy will need 2 things, games and good youth coaching. I loan out all my youth to the same manager who has great youth coaching. They are also guaranteed at least 5 games per day because I have created a couple of youth competitions which he enters them in. The reason I created them was because we needed a competition which allowed for any number loans and at the time there was hardly any.

If your judgement on the youth you acquire was good and they develop really well you can do 2 things with them. Keep the cream of them to be your future senior players (on really low wages) and sell the others. The amount of money to be earned through selling youth players makes it silly not to get involved as early as possible. Everyone loves a young player with decent stats on a low wage.

You should check for new youth regens every day by going to,

All Players - Filter - Free Agent + Age (start with 14 and search, then 15 then 16)

If you are searching for them early in the morning then these filters may not throw up anybody for 14 and 15 year olds. Why? Because what people do is they trial them as soon as they spot them which means you have to alter the above filter slightly to.

All Players - Filter - Contract - Contract Expires (less than 24 hours) - Age (14/15/16)

It's always worth doing once a day as new players are fed into the game worlds every day. Bid on the ones that fit the bill and you never know you just might get yourself a future superstar. Good luck.

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