Tuesday 9 December 2008

Money to be made

I keep stressing the importance of having and developing youth players in this game and here is why.



This player I bought 2 days after I signed up for Saunders. He cost me £6800 to buy and was on £1701 daily wages. I loaned him out straight away to my friend who has good coaching skills where he played in mainly under21 competitions but also some under19 and under17 as well. He is a DL naturally but his stats would suggest he is more suited to playing DC. His stats were quite high in the key areas for his position already and I had great hopes for him developing further.

After his initial 21 day loan period was up his stats had improved in all the key areas, he still hadn't reached 17 and he already had the stats of a great DC who could only get better,

Tackling 17 (started at 16)
Jumping 16
Heading 15 (started at 14)
Strength 14 (started at 8)
Influence 16
Bravery 17
Pace 9 (started at 6)
Acceleration 9 (started at 6)
Marking 10 (started at 8)

He went out on loan again to keep him improving but I knew that with the end of season 1 arriving I could get a good deal for him to help boost my first team. I got £800,000 for him and the all important 10% sell on fee as well. He was still 16 when I sold him.

Why sell him? I definitely had a class act on my hands here and with my friends coaching skills going up rapidly his stats would have hit silly levels before he turned 21 and could have easily sold him for millions at that point. Money is hard to come by these days in Saunders especially if you have a competitive senior team with players who have high wages. My plan is, at the end of every season (when everybody needs cash or are looking for players) I will sell the most promising and attractive (stats) youth players I have. We are now in season 2 and I have already started buying my next batch of 15/16 year olds ready for developing. When season 2 starts my first batch will be 17 (the ones I have kept) so I need to start the whole process again.


It is very important that you add a sell on clause when selling youth players. Because they are so young not many people are going to pay big bucks for them (over a million). If someone has paid a decent amount for your player at 16 they have a good chance of being worth a fortune when they get older and that is where you get more money.

I sold him for £800,000 + 10% sell on

If the buyer then sells him for £2,000,000 in the future I stand to make £120,000. That is nothing to be sniffed at with the upcoming financial restraints.

By doing this every season I do not have to sell any of my senior team to make some cash for myself. Obviously not all the youth players you buy will be of the same quality and you have to know when to release players who just don't cut it. I buy 2-3 players in each position roughly. After watching them and looking at their stats and performances for 1 week, I will lose 1 of them in each position. That leaves me with 2 players in each position to develop.

So in short I can sit back every season and concentrate on my senior team, come the end of the season I have options available to me other than having to sell my senior players in order to get some new faces in.

Someone has to develop the youth players and it may as well be you. I want to be the guy selling/keeping quality youth rather than the guy buying them.


Nate de la Piedra said...

that's just absurdly fantastic! Living up to the club's name, eh?

Jim Boon said...

Thanks! This system won't last long though with the new features due to arrive in 2009. I used the money made from selling 2 youth players plus the money I already had in pre season to buy Ever Banega.