Wednesday 31 December 2008


Currently there are 8 running GW's.


Toms is due to start January 12th and is advertised as the first 'pro' GW in which you can start from day one with the previous skills you acquired in your current GW.

So far GW's can hold up to 1000 managers and I have been wondering how full Toms will be when it launches and how many 'new' managers will join it. By new I mean never played in beta or have not moved from a current GW.

If Toms is full prior to the launch then your current GW is in trouble. There are 8 current GW's so if the numbers that join Toms is spread equally between them all (which they won't be) that is
125 managers removed from each of those GW's.

Looking at the numbers in Saunders currently in my opinion there is no way it can take a 125 hit of managers leaving in January and still be enjoyable for me to be in. With February being the 3 month subscribers decision time aswell it means from those 125 leaving the numbers can only dwindle more.

The reason I say this is because for those 125 that will jump into Toms they are most likely some of the more active managers in your GW. They aren't the people in your GW who don't play at all anymore who you never see anyway. Everytime I log into Saunders at my peak times it has mainly the same faces playing and is getting less every week.

So you and indeed me have a decision to make before January 12th. Looking at the numbers in your GW now can you afford not to join Toms if you want to be in an active GW? It will take a hit in numbers come the Toms launch and then again in February.

So in a way the Toms launch is taking away managers from your current GW. The only people (i sincerely hope) that will join it are those who have skills already, and who are those people? You and your fellow managers in your current GW. If there are a lot of new managers in Toms then it won't be long until they become frustrated that others have a massive advantage in skills. It is their fault really as Toms is advertised as a pro world but some will find their way into it and when they do (just like the non beta testers in my GW) they will soon be leaving aswell.

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