Saturday 20 December 2008

Beginning of Season 2 Numbers

These are the numbers, checked on December 20th.

Game World Managers 973 (excluding Super Admin)

Last signed in

Never ..... 14

Nearly 2 months ago...... 60

Just over a month ago ...... 63

Nearly 5 weeks ago ....... 1

Just over 4 weeks ago ....... 12

Nearly 4 weeks ago .......... 32

Just over 3 weeks ago ..... 14

Nearly 3 weeks ago ....... 25

Just over 2 weeks ago ........ 11

Just 2 weeks ago ....... 51

Just over a week ago ........ 14

Less than 7 days ago ........ 684

So that's 283 managers that have not signed into Saunders for 2 weeks or more. I have no way of knowing what proportion of these numbers are GW hoppers or have just stopped playing the game.

If you take away the 283 from the total managers in the GW it leaves us with 690 managers, pretty much the total of managers that have signed in less than 7 days ago which is encouraging.

Activity Times Numbers (weekdays)

Morning (8am - 11am) ....... 55 - 70

Afternoon (12pm - 3pm) ........ 90 - 110

Peak time (7pm - 11pm) ........ 130 - 160

These are the numbers for the times I tend to log in. They have dropped considerably since the game world launch. People say that 160 managers is a good amount but it's the rate at which the numbers are decreasing which worries me. Yes, 690 have logged into the game world in the last 7 days but I am only seeing 160 of them when I log in. Any loss on the 'signed in less than 7 days ago' numbers means a loss in the numbers that I see when I log in the most. So if 690 turns into 550 I can expect the peak time to drop close to the 100 mark.

Sign ups since the 27th November

27th-6th Dec ......... 0

7th Dec ......... 4

9th Dec ....... 1

12th Dec .... 1

13 Dec .........1

15th Dec .......1

17 th Dec .........1

So 9 managers have signed up to Saunders from 27th November to December 20th. I would imagine that a good proportion of those had swapped from another game world.

The 1.1 update in 2009 looks good but it will not help new users join an established GW like Saunders. Joining a new GW with the 1.1 in place is clearly a better option. Everyone starts equal and there is more options to choose from and paths to go down. With Saunders just over a month old now it has become a very strange place indeed. I thought the majority of people who signed up in soft launch would be old or current FM players and would have some idea of how things work but that clearly isn't the case.

I really hope that FML does not slowly become FM09. In one of the press videos about FML it was said that 'you' are the coach and that 'you' are the scout, in fact you are all the staff. So why introduce things were you don't have to be any of those things? FM09 spoon feeds you information so that you can just sit back and click continue. FML (currently) is 10x the MANAGEMENT game that FM09 is. That said, a hardcore GW would be too hardcore for me, but the current crop of players in these early GW's means they will not last any longer than 4 months.

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