Saturday 13 December 2008

Random Offers + Judging Potential

Ever had a random private bid for one of your youth players? If you have, one of the things you need to check is the bidding managers skills. The first few people in my game world have started to get the Judging Potential skill and it is worth noting when a manager randomly bids for a youth player you have.

If the bidding manager has the judging potential skill then you now know why he has bid on one of your young players. Don't let them take them away from you without first checking their skills. They may offer you a big amount for your young player but stick to your guns. You now know that the player in your possession that he is after is obviously going to be good in the future (according to his JP skill). Use this to your advantage. If you are willing to sell make sure you get a very good amount for him.

Without ever seeing an official view on the judging potential skill I don't want to go into details about it here because I may be very wrong in the way I interpreted it. As a general rule though I wouldn't rely on the judging potential skill under 4 stars. The margin of error is too great for it to be reliable.

So as a rule of thumb you should always check the bidding managers skills. They are, in a way, giving you information as to the potential of your players depending on how high their JP skill is. That information is only worth taking note of with JP 4 star upwards however.

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