Wednesday 3 December 2008

3 month subscription.

As a former beta tester I had the option to pre-order FML before September 30th and receive a discount on the 6 month or 12 month subscription. My previous doubts about the future of these inaugural game worlds meant I did not take this offer. The 3 month subscription made sense for me as I see this game as very much a long term thing. I can assess the state of my game world maybe 1-2 weeks before my subscription runs out. Here is what I will look for:


The most important to me. This game is about human vs human interaction. I want as many people logged on at the same time as me as possible, not just for matches but for transfer deals, banter etc. If there are signs of drastic inactivity even before the crucial 3 month periods then this will factor in my decision.


Another crucial factor. How have they handled certain situations that have arisen such as suspect transfer dealings. Are there any moderators who have left and who are the new moderators.

Upcoming features

New features would certainly improve the likelihood of me re-subscribing.

The 3 months is perfect to be able to judge whether or not another 3 months would be worth it or not. The 12 month subscription works out cheaper but if your game world starts to struggle after 4 months you have paid for the other 8 months for nothing. Join a new game world I hear you say! Not for me, this will be my only game world and my only team. I really don't like the sounds of having to change game worlds and start everything again, too much like groundhog day. From my beta experience I can see people who are signing all the same players with exactly the same strategy as before. You think you would do it differently but you end up not doing.

Yes, the initial setup of your club is fun but it's the future and what it develops into that is what this game is really about.

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