Wednesday 10 December 2008

Help! the Aged (+Target Man)

I have made a silly error! My hunt for a newgen target man went well until I realized the mistake I had made. The start of season 2 in my game world is December 12th and I have been informed that on this date all my players will age by 1 year. The target man I have bought this morning is currently 16 which is where I have gone wrong. He will be 17 on the 12th and that is a big mistake on my behalf. I will only have had him for 2 days and he will have aged by 1 year already. In that year (28 days) from 16-17 he could have had quite a lot development but now if he does age that time will have been wasted. Luckily the other youth players I have already bought are 15.

name.jpg Jan Fredrik (Progeria) Andersen is my main hope to become a decent target man.

technical.jpg Mental.jpg Physical.jpg

His stats don't really scream great potential but he was the best I could find. He is 6' 2" which was my minimum and is quite strong already. He may not cut it but I will keep posting his progress here every now and again.

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