Wednesday 3 December 2008

He'll be the Coach!

My friend who is in Saunders with me has gone all out for coaching skills. This is great for me. I had to choose scouting skills really for my skills boost because I was a day late. I wanted the maximum number of players possible to see when searching for my first squad because so many of the players I knew had been taken. If I hadn't been late I would have chosen the finance skills boost without question. Any youth players I buy go straight out on loan to his team and providing they play enough games to keep them fit the rewards are obvious.

The game allows your youth to benefit from someone else's superior coaching regardless if you have coaching or not which is a great way of working together. I would recommend everyone to team up with another manager who has great coaching skills. Not only do your players benefit from it but it also allows you to focus on other areas rather than coaching. I would still recommend you get to level 2 coaching as a minimum though for your own first team.

In order for it to be fair though you would have to work out a way of rewarding the manager who coaches. As of yet the game doesn't implement a good way of doing this but soon hopefully it will. Always talk things through with the moderators first, they will make sure everything is above board.

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