Friday 5 December 2008

End of season 1 Numbers.

Saunders Game World started on the 7th November

Current total managers (excluding Super Admin) ......... 961

Date signed up

7th (start date) - 861
8th - 74
9th - 28
10th - 11
11th - 9
12th - 10
13th - 5
14th - 2
15th - 5
18th - 2
19th - 1
25th - 1
26th - 1

Last logged in

Never - 17
Nearly 4 weeks ago - 48
Nearly 3 weeks ago - 66
Just over 2 weeks ago - 12
Nearly 2 weeks ago - 45
Less than 6 days ago - 751

I also did a vote in the game world as to which subscription length people chose. Not everyone voted in the game world obviously but here are the results.

144 managers voted in total

3 months - 70 managers

6 months - 9 managers

12 months - 65 managers

The number of sign-ins to the game world under 6 days ago is encouraging (751). The peak time numbers have dropped quite a bit since launch night but that was to be expected. The peak time (7pm - 11pm) rarely gets to much above 200 these days. A significant loss of 3 month subscribers plus game world hoppers could see the peak numbers drop even further. Looking at the number of users who signed up to Saunders after the 10th November it is fair to say that it will be hard to get new sign ups to cover for those losses. Only really existing managers in other game worlds that could jump into Saunders could balance it out somewhat.

Going off these numbers though I am more than certain I will be renewing my 3 month subscription when it comes time to. The main reason for that is because I have seen a screenshot of the stadium features that are to be introduced into the game and they are more than a deal breaker.

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